AS opening sequence

prelim task

Tuesday 16 March 2010

question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

For our film we decided as a group that we should keep the themes of the horror genre the same as other horror films such as suspense, death, blood etc the same because this is what the audience expect from horror films.
For our opening sequence we decided that we should give hints of what the genre of the film was about such as when Bianca has a nose bleed, the blood foresees that the film is going to be scary.
We decided to start the first shot of the opening sequence with a flashing light, this is effective because the light keeps flashing to show that scary things are going to keep happening in the film. This creates an uncomfortable feeling to the audience and they would want to see what will happen next and they know that it is not good, that is why we wanted to start the film with that because we knew that it would hook the audience from the beginning.
We then panned across the room to show each character. This is effective because it familiarises the audience with the characters in the film.
The first person that we panned the camera to was the geek girl, we decided to do this because in the film she is the main character who helps kill the rest of the characters, and we also did this because she would be the first character the audience see and at the end of the film she would be the last character they see.
We then carried on the pan to the basketball player, the Goth and the class clown, this was so that the audience could see all the characters in the film. We chose all different types of characters to be in the opening sequence because the audience who watch it are all different and by showing all different types of characters all different types of audience could relate to the film and therefore we would have attract a wide range of the audience.
After showing everyone, the last person the camera pans to is the popular girl, we decided to do this because she would be the first to get killed so for that scene, she was the main character. We see the popular girls legs first and then the camera pans up until we see some blood dripping on the table, this is effective because it scares the audience because they want to know where that blood is coming from, therefore it keeps them hooked. Then we carry on to see the popular girl getting a tissue from her bag because she has got a nose bleed, we show her bleeding at the start of the film because it hints that something will happen to her. Then she gets up to go to the toilet and whilst she is walking she touches the wall and because her fingers are with blood, she leaves a blood stain on the wall, and there is a close up of the wall to represent that something bad was about to happen, this is effective because the audience will be hooked wanting to know what will happen.
After that we see the girl coming out of the classroom door and walking towards the toilet. We follow her every step to the toilet, this is effective because it shows that someone is following her and something is going to happen.
We then see the girl walking in to the toilet and washing her face. She bends down and washes her face, she then looks in to the mirror at herself, then she bends down again, and this time the audience see a black figure behind her, when the figure appears there is a sudden loud music in the background, this attracts the target audience because it scares them and they would want to know what is going to happen next. Then the popular girl looks up again and she too sees him then she slowly turns around and that it when the credits come up and we see the name on the film. This attracts the target audience because it creates suspense and they would want to know what will happen to the popular girl and therefore they will want to see the rest of the film.

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