AS opening sequence

prelim task

Tuesday 16 March 2010

question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our primary target audience are both males and females aged between 16-25 year olds because they are normally interested in horror/thriller movies and they also go to the cinema often to watch these movies as they are young and they would want to find out who the killer in the movie is. At first we thought that our target audience would be males because normally males like horror movies more than females, but then we changed our minds because we also have females in the movie and therefore females would also watch it because they could relate to the characters in our film. The film will appeal to all ethnicities as in our film we have different types of ethnicities, and therefore they too can relate to the characters in the film.
Our target audience would have seen films such as Final Destination because all of the people there get killed , and similar to our film there are scary clues to predict what will happen but although they do not give too much of the film away. The target audience would have also seen films such as I Know What You Did Last Summer because that is a horror film and people get killed in it. They would have also watched films such as Halloween because a lot of people get killed and there are no reasons for the deaths but they just happen.
Another film that our target audience would have watched is Prom Night because it is a teen horror and similar to our film people get killed.
All of the films that our target audience would have watched are similar because they all share the theme of death and murder.
Our secondary target audience are people 25+ both genders. We chose them because we thought that anyone who likes horror films would like to see our film because it to is a horror film.

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