AS opening sequence

prelim task

Tuesday 16 March 2010

question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

We have a low budget and therefore we realise that our film will not be shown in big cinemas and it will not be well known by the audience.

Our Production Company-
A distribution company that might be interested in distributing our film is GUERRILA FILMS.
In this company’s website it says ‘We are happy to consider any completed film looking for UK distribution, especially British or Irish ones’ this shows that they would be interested in distributing our film.
To make a film a distributor is very important because they are the ones that try to promote your film, and without them our film will not be as successful as we hope for it to be. Once the film has been sent to the distributor, the distributor decides how many copies will be made. Then the distributor holds a screening to buyers representing theatres. The buyers negotiate with the distributor on the terms of the lease agreement. Then the prints of the film get sent to the cinemas a few days before the release date and the cinemas show the movie for a specified number of weeks for audience engagement. After the film has been shown on cinemas, the buyers send the prints back and then they make payments on the lease agreement.
Another way in which we could show our film would be through the internet, as it is a lot cheaper and it could achieve popularity quickly as people would tell their friends and it carries on getting popular. An example of this is because this website is a major website and millions of people go on it every day.
In addition, another distribution company is Metrodome. In their website it says “acquiring and releasing quality independent films that challenge our audiences and provoke the critics” this shows that they would be interested in distributing our film because our film is an independent film and therefore they would be interested in distributing our film. Our film is a horror film, this is also useful to Metrodome because they have also got other horror films such as ‘Thirst’ ’Darkness’ etc.

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