AS opening sequence

prelim task

Tuesday 3 November 2009


The movie Halloween has a very powerful opening.
At the beginning the music is a scary music, this causes the audience to get scared and creates tension, it shows the audience that the movie will be a horror genre.
The movie opens with a long shot of just a pumpkin, a pumpkin is associated to Halloween which relates to the name of the film. The pumpkin gets closer and closer and the background is black which makes the orange pumpkin stand out, the pumpkin getting closer and closer gives a feeling that someone is out to get you. There is an extreme close up of the pumpkin and then it just disappears, this shows that the characters in the movie will get followed by the evil character and then when it gets you it just disappears.
There is an establishing shot of the setting. We see that it is very dark and the house is white, this shows that it is dark and something scary is about to happen, and the white house stands out to show that the bad thing will happen in that house.
There is a camera tracking, this is to show the audience what is going on.
Then the movie carries on to a couple kissing, this shows that they are together and whilst they are together they are safe. However later the boy hears a noise and then the girl gets killed by the mysterious character. We see camera shots in the killers’ point of view, and we can tell that he has got a mask. When the girl gets killed there is silence to show that something bad has happened in the film and this makes the audience scared and want to know who the killer is.

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