AS opening sequence

prelim task

Friday 9 October 2009

workshop 1


We were told to make a storyboard within 10 minutes in a group of three and then we had to go and shoot the ten shots from the storyboard. This was a difficult task because we didn’t have long to think about what our story should be and we didn’t have long to make a storyboard. So with the time that we had we made a quick storyboard and then we went outside to shoot it. However there because we were not prepared we didn’t have time to think about our location, so we just went outside the classroom, we then realised that other groups had also gone to the same location as they to were not prepares, so whilst we were shooting we would have to stop because other people from the other groups would interrupt us. After shooting everything we noticed that it would have taken us much les time if we had moved to the other end of the school where no one would interrupt us instead of just going right outside the classroom because we thought it would be easier; however that is what other groups thought too, so overall it was harder.
When we were shooting we saw that what we had done in our storyboard was not a good idea and we decided to change some of the shots. This took us time and when it was time to go back to class we had not finished all ten of our shots but only seven. This showed me that the storyboard is crucial to the making of the film because if the storyboard is wrong then we will have to think of some shots on the spot and this would take us a long time and therefore we would not finish on time.
I think that our task was not completed to the success we were hoping for it to be completed.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Esma you have described what you did in lesson instead of evaluating the task. In future you need to use analytical skills, referring back to specific details and examples from that task, in order to make clearer points.

    You failed to include a personal objective. this is not to just state the task set, but something you wanted to focus on and wanted to develop practically.

    Make sure you are highlighting areas that had to be covered;
    1. Personal objective of the task
    2. What you feel went well within the task and why?
    3. Any problems that you faced, individually and/or a group. How did you solve it?
    4. What you would have done differently?
    5. Key skills used and learnt
    6. Summary of the task

    Please make sure you use a spell check before posting work onto your blog
