AS opening sequence

prelim task

Wednesday 28 October 2009

research and planning

The false prince and the true

The false prince and the true is a Portugese fairy tale.
It is about a man who beats up the prince, the prince does not do anything back to him but he just cries. the king finds out and he is very angry that his son did nothing back to the man who beat him up. however he still puts the man on trial in court and was likely to die, but the king let him go whever he wanted to in the city with some guards.
the man was very upset and he tried everything to see what could help him from being sentenced to life, on the last day of his freedom he saw an old woman, she told him that she would tell him what to say in court and save him but only if he would marry her, the man said no at first but when he thought about it, he had no choice so he agreed with the old woman and married her with a priest as their witness.
when the man went to court he told the king that the prince was not his real son but his wife had adopted the prince when the king was at war. he told him that the king had met a woman in a forest and thought that she was very beautiful and married her in secret and put her in a cottage in the forest, she did not know that the king was a king but thought that he was a poor knight. when the woman found out that the king was a king then she left, so when the king went in the cottage the woman was not there anymore. that woman was this mans mother, so he was the kings real son. the king said that the mans story was true and the king said that this man would be the king after the king dies, he was now the prince.
the prince kept his promise and stayed married to the old woman but did not love her.
one day the prince heard a noise and thought it was a robber, he followed the noise and it led to the old womans room, when he looked in it was not an old woman but a very beautiful young girl. the girl told him that she was his wife, but a wicked fairy had cursed her and made her an old woman, then a wizard told her that if she was to marry a prince then she would go back to her own age and body of 15. the wizard had told the woman everything she needed to know about the prince to save him when he was about to go on a trial to get killed.

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