AS opening sequence

prelim task

Tuesday 20 October 2009

what makes a good opening for a film

A good opening for a film is made by including many things.
Firstly a producer has to make sure that all the actors in the film are good for the film and they act well. they also have to make sure that the sound is heard clearly by thew viewer.
Secondly, the camera has to be steady because and not shakey because then the quality of the film will not be to it's best standard. In class we saw an opening of a film made by the students last year,Penelope, at the start the camera was shaking and this made me as the viewer see it as poor standard and therefroe it did not interest me to watch it.
In addition we also saw another film made by last years students, that was called Daisy, all the titles and name of the film was hand drwan, this showed that they had put a lot of work into the film, however it made it look as if they had no money at all to spendon the film and it did not attract the viewer.
Also, for a good opening to a film, the continuity of the film has to bee good and everything should flow.
The beginning of the film should also start to show the audience what the rest of the film will be about.
For the beginning of a film to be successful then the actors should have enthusiasm so that the targetaudience is attracted aswell.

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