AS opening sequence

prelim task

Monday 21 September 2009

pictures taken in lesson

In lesson we got in i a group of three, me Yasmin and Ester. We then had to make a storyboard of something very simple. We decided as a group that we would take some picture that would tell the story of, a girl sitting bored, we took a mid close up of Yasmin, this was so that we coulld show that she was bored. We then took a big close up of mu hand on the door, to make it look as if I was knocking on the door , this was because that is what we wanted the viewer to see directly. after that we took a an extreme close up of Yasmin's eyes to show that she was shocked. Then we took a mis shot of Yasmin standing up, this was so that people could see that she was getting up to answer the door. We then took a long shot of Yasmin walking towards the door, this was do that the viewer couold see the surroundings nd see where Yasmin was. We then took a high angle mid shot of Yasmin about to open the door, this was so that the viewer could see what Yasmin was doing clearly and their eyes would go to yasmin straight away because she had dominance in the image. After that we took an overtheshoulder imang of me and Yasmin this was so that the viewer could see that two people were communicting. Then we took a mid long shot of me and Yasmin hugging this was effective because we would both have dominance in the image and therefore the viewer would look at both of us. Then we hade a long shot of me and Yasmin walking, this took upo the mid third of the frame and therefore it would catch the viewers eyes. Our last image was a two shot of me and Yasmin, this was effective because it showed two people having a conversation and it draws the viewers attentin.

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