AS opening sequence

prelim task

Monday 7 December 2009

Final draft of Script

Sound of school bell. Black screen
Fades into the whiteboard where it says silence, to show that it is a detention room

Dark atmosphere

Camera pans across classroom showing 5 students at their desks looking extremely bored. Showing their individual character through various actions e.g.: basketball player in his uniform playing with a ball. Geek reading, whilst the geek flips the page of the book. Goth listening to loud music with his eyes closed, class clown lying back trying to distract others. A camera pan, until BIANCA’S legs are in the frame, tilts up onto the table and we see a drop of blood on the table, then camera carries on tilting up and we see her face and she is hesitating and she gets up and she leaves the room.

Subtle music

Long shot of her walking out the door, shot turns to a point of view shot, of her walking down the corridors to the toilets then a title comes up and it turns to a birds eye view shot.

She opens the toilet door (close up of her hand) and walks towards the sink. She looks down holding a tissue to her nose and she turns on the tap. She then puts her head up and looks at herself in the mirror, she puts her head down again and when she does so the figure in black comes up behind her, she looks up and sees the figure in the mirror, she then turns slowly around looking shocked towards the camera. After that the titles come up.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

examples of our Title sequences

title sequences

The first few minutes of a film should leave an audience to wonder what will happen next and engaged to the film wanting to see more, the title sequences should help to create the atmosphere of the film and the genre of the film.
The titles of the film should help to make the film look more interesting and they should relate to the genre of the film.
For example in ski fi films the titles are normally bright and in block letters, this relates to the genre of the movie.